About us

Evidence Based Medicine is a find in my practice that I regret having found at a rather late age (although I’m still quite young, do not believe otherwise).

But better late than never. And once I found it I want, not just to study and know it, but to share it. So I decided to create this blog to free up an idea I was hanging around for some time, allowing me to share my teaching vocation, my love for bytes and my hobby for writing and for issues related to medicine.

I’m not an expert in these topics and I’m continuously learning about them, so I apologize in advance if I screw up on any time. Any comments or suggestions from readers of the blog will not only be welcomed, buy deeply appreciated.


The blog creation and responsibility rest with me, Manuel Molina Arias, a Pediatrician since 1991. I am registered with the College of Physicians of Madrid (Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid) with the number 28/37,116. Currently I practice at the Gastroenterology Service at the Children’s Hospital La Paz (Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz), Madrid. I also belong to the Evidence-based Medicine Working Group, shared by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics and the Spanish Association of Primary Care in Pediatrics.

Readers can publish comments to the blog’s entries without any registration or moderation, though I reserve myself the right to remove any comment that may be considered inappropriate.


The contents of the blog are directed towards health workers in general and, specifically, towards medical and nursing staff, both in their formative period and as a complement to their ongoing training.

The contents deal with general methodological issues and it is not intended to meet personal request or to provide personal information. The main objective of “Science without sense… double nonsense” is the dissemination of the methodology of work in Evidence-Based Medicine in a funny and accessible way to people that are non-specialists in these subjects.


This blog is open and no password or registration is required to access its contents. The comments published by readers may be read by any other reader, although all information received by email will be treated confidentially, following current regulations on the protection of personal data, reflected in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD GDD). This blog also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons (GDPR).

In any case the confidential user information will be transferred or sold to third parties. In any case, this website does not request or share any information with users.

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 Data management is the resposibility of the author of the blog.

Attribution, references and update.

The topics posted in this blog are the result of the knowledge and experience of its author. Where considered appropriate, it may be supplemented by hyperlinks to others sites or sources of information.

Likewise, there is provided a page with the general literature in which the posts of this blog are based.

Each post in this blog includes the author and date of publication.


Both the author and the reader that include comments agree to do it honestly. Where needed, the will relay on hyperlinks to the original source of information on which the assertion in based.

Author’s transparency.

We always look for providing information in the clearest possible way, providing additional addresses whenever considered necessary.

There’s a contact form to send messages easily to the author of the blog. In any case, messages can be directly sent to the e-mail address mma1961@gmail.com.

Sponsorship and advertising.

“Science without sense… double nonsense” is not sponsored by any public or private institution.

The blog neither includes any advertising nor takes reader’s comments including advertising.

All contents posted are conducted in the absence of conflict of interest.

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