Category Statistics

Importancia clínica

Life is not rosy

Clinical relevance. Clinical relevance should guide us when assessing the results of a study. For this, we will use confidence intervals.   We, the so-called human beings, tend to be too categorical. We love to see things in black and white,…

contraste de hipótesis

The false coin

Hypothesis contrast. Statistical significance. Hypothesis contrast related terms are described: type I error, type II error, power, and statistical significance.

contraste de hipótesis

The tails of p

Bilateral vs unilateral testing. We can choose between a bilateral vs unilateral testing. In the second case, we assume the direction of the difference in effect.

regresión a la media

The curse

Regression to the mean. Regression to the mean explains that, after an extreme value of a variable, the next time we will obtain a value closer to the mean.

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