You can’t make a silk purse…
Propensity score. A propensity score estimates each participant’s probability of receiving a treatment based on their characteristics.
Evidence Based Medicine pills
Evidence Based Medicine pills
Propensity score. A propensity score estimates each participant’s probability of receiving a treatment based on their characteristics.
Multiple comparisons. Doing multiple comparisons increases the probability of type 1 error and of detecting a false positive by chance.
Bland-Altman’s method. Bland-Altman’s method allows calculating the concordance between the results of the measurements of a variable obtained by two methods.
Resampling techniques: bootstrapping. Bootstrapping is a resampling technique that allows calculations that are impossible in another way when the sample is small.
Management of non-normal data. When we are dealing with the management of non-normal data, we must use other strategies to make a hypotheses contrast.