The stigma of guilt
Bayes’ rule. The concept of conditioned probability and the development of Bayes’ rule, the basic form of Bayes’ theorem, are described.
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Evidence Based Medicine pills
Bayes’ rule. The concept of conditioned probability and the development of Bayes’ rule, the basic form of Bayes’ theorem, are described.
Fragility index. Fragility index describes the minimum number of participants whose status has to change for p to go from being statistically significant to not being so.
Comparison of proportions. We review the methods for comparison of proportions: chi-square, Fisher’s exact test and approximation to a normal. This expression has its origin in the crazy habit that came to Romans for making roads connecting the capital of the…
Comparisson of variables. We describe the statistical tests that should be used for comparisson of variables of different kinds.
Transforming data. Sometimes our data set will not follow a normal distribution. We can try transforming data to change this situation.