When the zeroes of p are important
Bonferroni’s correction. By making multiple comparisons, the risk of Type I error increases proportionally. This can be avoided with the Bonferroni’s correction.
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Bonferroni’s correction. By making multiple comparisons, the risk of Type I error increases proportionally. This can be avoided with the Bonferroni’s correction.
Law of small numbers. The law of small numbers, applying binomial probability, explains the occurrence of Bernouilli events in small samples. I remember when I was a child and went to school that almost everyone had a village to go…
Probability distributions. Probability distributions frequently used, different to the normal one, are described: Student’s t, chi-square and Snédecor’s F.
The normal distribution. We describe normal distribution, probably the most used in statistics, its properties and the characteristics of the standard distribution.
Chi-square homogeneity test. The chi-square homogeneity test compares proportions from various samples to see if they come from the same population.