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Machine learning Machine learning

Hasta la vista, baby

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines programmed to think and learn like humans so that they can automate tasks that are normally performed by humans. Machine learning develops and applies models and algorithms that are capable of learning from data.
Machine learning Machine learning

A pair of means

The sample size necessary to estimate the comparison of two means depends on the confidence level of the estimate, the power of the study, the variability of the measured variable and the magnitude of the difference that is to be detected.
Machine learning Machine learning

Sciences or arts

Mann-Whitney U test, also called Wilcoxon rank-sum test, is a non-parametric test that allows comparing the medians of a quantitative variable for the two categories of a dichotomous qualitative variable. It is applied when the assumptions necessary to use the Student's t-test cannot be fulfilled.
Machine learning Machine learning

The sleepless naturalist

Discrete probability distributions allow us to establish the full possible range of values of an event when it is described with a discrete random variable. Examples of the use of the Bernoulli, binomial, geometric, and hypergeometric distributions are shown.
Analytic methods of normality


Skewness and kurtosis are two of the first four moments of a normal distribution. Both can be used to test the assumption of normality of a data distribution, although they are less widely used than other contrast pr graphical methods.
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