The failure of democracy
Vote counting method in reviews. To get a conclusion on the result of a review, it is not enough with the vote counting method. A weighted measure is nedeed.
Evidence Based Medicine pills
Evidence Based Medicine pills
Vote counting method in reviews. To get a conclusion on the result of a review, it is not enough with the vote counting method. A weighted measure is nedeed.
Crossover clinical trial. Crossover clinical trial allows each patient to receive the study and the control interventions, in a specific order and for a set time.
Linear correlation. Linear correlation represents the strength of association between two quantitative variables, without implying dependence or causality. We already know about the relationship between variables. Who can doubt that smoking kills or that TV dries our brain?. The issue…
Factorial clinical trial. Factorial clinical trial allows testing more than one intervention with only one sample of participants. The clinical trial is the king of epidemiological designs. But it is also the most expensive to perform. And, in our times,…
Cluster clinical trials. Cluster clinical trials are randomized trials in which the unit of randomization is not the individual, but groups of individuals.