The fallacy of small p
Conditionals transposition fallacy. Conditionals transposition fallacy arises from a poor understanding of the concept of p-value and conditional probability.
Evidence Based Medicine pills
Evidence Based Medicine pills
Conditionals transposition fallacy. Conditionals transposition fallacy arises from a poor understanding of the concept of p-value and conditional probability.
Intention-to-treat analysis. Intention-to-treat analysis respects the initial group allocation of the participants when analyzing trial results.
Propensity score. A propensity score estimates each participant’s probability of receiving a treatment based on their characteristics.
Multiple comparisons. Doing multiple comparisons increases the probability of type 1 error and of detecting a false positive by chance.
Analysis of results in a crossover clinical trial The analysis of a crossover clinical trial differs from that of a classical parallel trial. It must take into account the period and sequence effects.