- The scientific method. Methodology of investigation.
The Ten Commandments. - Frequency measures. Ratio. Porportion. Rate.
About chalk and cheese. - Causality.
From the triangle to the pie. - Incidence rate. Incidence rate ratio.
Some new come and some others go. - Association measures. Risk. Relative risk (RR). Risk ratio. Relative risk reduction (RRR). Absolute risk reduction (ARR). Number needed to treat (NNT).
Do they not trick you with cheese. - NNT’s confidence interval.
The tribulations of an interval. - NNT’s calculation in meta-analysis.
A weakness. - Correct use of NNT.
Tribulations of maturity. - Other impact numbres. Impact number in exposed. Impact number in cases. Impact number in exposed cases.
Simplifying the impact. - Number remaining at risk.
And what about me? - Association measures. Odds. Odds ratio.
The one with the foreign name. - Berkson’s falacy.
Generalizations are hazardous. - Choosing between risk ratio and odds ratio.
The ratio’s trap. - Hazard ratio. Cox regression.
The hare and the tortoise. - Confounding (I). Confounding variable. Confounding factor.
The backdoor. - Confounding (II). Pairing. Cohort studies. Adjusting in case-control studies.
Birds of a feather flock together. - Confounding (III). Pairing. Matching. Case-control studies.
A matter of pairs. - Effect modifiers. Interaction. Standardized risk ratio.
Ménage à trois. - Sensitivity analysis. Clinical trial.
Do it with sensitivity. - Sampling techniques. Simple random sampling. Stratified random sampling. Non-randomized sampling techniques. Finite sample correction.
An important decision. - Classification of epidemiological studies.
Which family you belong? - Cross-sectional studies. Association cross-sectional studies.
That’s not what it seems to be. - Ecologic studies. Ecological fallacy. Association.
Chocolate’s fallacy - Cohort studies. Impact measures. Incidence’s difference. Exposed attributable fraction. Population attributable fraction. Impact numbers.
One about Romans. - Case-control studies. Odds ratio. Selection bias.
From the hen to the chicken. - Case-crossover studies.
You make your bed, you lie in it. - Hybrid designs. Cohort nested case control study. Case cohort study.
Togeteher but not in each other’s pockets. - Randomized clinical trial. Intervention group. Control group. Placebo. Randomization. Follow-up. Per protocolo analysis. Intention to treat analysis. Parallel clinical trial. Equipoise..
King of Kings. - Types of clinical trials. Cross-over clinical trial. Factorial clinical trial. Sequential clinical trial. Cluster allocation trial. Community trial.
The other sides of the King. - Crossover clinical trials analysis.
Don’t get your wires crossed. - Equivalence and non-inferiority trials. Equivalency limits. Clinical relevance. Statistical significance.
The consolation ofhttps://www.cienciasinseso.com/en/equivalence-trials/ - not being worst.
- Cluster clinical trial.
The gregarious one. - Factorial clinical trial.
More than one rooster per pen. - Crossover clinical trial.
Twisting parallels. - Adaptive clinical trials.
The chameleon. - Pragmatic clinical trial.
Like life itself. - Pilot studies.
About pilots. - Run-in phase. Washout period. Clinical trials.
Steady… ready… - Re-randomization.
Regular customers. - Intention to treat analysis.
Intention is what matters. - Contingency tables. Cross-sectional studies. Cohort studies. Case-control studies. Cumulative incidence. Incidence density.
The table. - Masking. Single-blinded. Double-blinded. Triple-blinded.
To see well you must be blind. - Randomization. Simple randomization. Block randomization. Stratified randomization.
The necessity of chance. - Composite outcome variables.
Strength through unity. - Random error. Systematic error.
The fairground shotgun. - Errors. Random error. Sistematic error. Selection bias. Information bias.
To err is human. - Preventive trial biases. Participation bias. Lead time bias. Length time bias.
The sun is not hurried by early risers. - Diagnostic tests (I). Sensitivity. Specificity. Positive predictive value. Negative predictive value. Likelihood ratio. Pre-test probability. Post-test probability. Probabilities ratio.
All that glitters is not gold. - Diagnostic tests (II). Sensitivity. Specificity. False positive. False negative. ROC. Cutoff.
The guard’s dilemma. - Diagnostic tests (III). Screening. Early diagnostic. Primary prevention.
Prevention not always is better. - Diagnostic tests (IV). Sensitivity. Specificity. Positive predictive value. Negative predictive value. Screening. Prevalence calculation.
The imperfect screening. - Diagnostic tests (V). Diagnostic threshold. Treatment threshold.
Crossing the threshold. - Diagnostic tests (VI). Accuracy index. Youden’s index. Number needed to diagnose. Number needed to misdiagnose one.
The turn of the screw. - Diagnostic test (VII). Odds. Probability. Bayes factor. Postest probability.
From bridge to bridge. - Diagnostic tests (VIII). Diagnostic odds ratio.
A never-ending story. - F1-score. Sensitivity. Predictive positive value. Precision.
An intruder from another world. - Precision enrichment ratio.
The art of resignation.

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